You might be stuck in a monotonous and boring job. You may also have great opportunities and prospects out there. You might be wondering why you’re holding on to a job that you don’t like. At times, your job is not conducive and nurturing. You may not be well remunerated. Your boss may be a narcissist. You may be overworked or underworked.
Whatever the case, at times we may feel justified and resolute in our decision to quit our jobs. You may be contemplating using a resume writing service to polish up your resume for job prospects. However, quitting your job has many implications which may leave you regretting why you quit in the first place. There are monetary consequences, and you’re not guaranteed to get another job right away. The timing may also not be right for you to quit your job. Consider these four reasons as to why you should not quit your job just yet.
You Cannot Afford It

Many people are influenced to quit their jobs by exaggerated moves gestures from either movies or stories. Well, what people don’t realize is that these are only acts and are not a depiction of real life. The fashionable way that people quit their jobs in Hollywood movies and the false sense of freedom that engulfs them at that moment misguides people to quit their jobs in real life.
Many aspects are at stake when you quit your job in the same fashion. There are many factors that are stake especially the financial aspects. Do you think that you are in a good financial position to sustain yourself without a steady source of income? Have you gathered enough savings and an emergency fund that will serve as a means of survival? Well, for most people the answer is always on the negative! This should serve as a reason for you not to quit just yet until you can guarantee your financial ability.
You're Quitting for the Wrong Reasons

Well, life, in general, is not guaranteed to be smooth. We all face challenges and occurrences that may discourage us in a personal sense. Maybe you just need some motivation and some inspiration to get back on your feet. The problem with most people is that they quit so easy at the face of challenges. They may be blind to the fact that these challenges are meant to shape them as individuals.
If you’re just demotivated, sad and have no morale, using these as reasons to quit is just misguided. You are just quitting for all the wrong reasons. You’re better off finding the cause of the demotivation, lack of morale and sadness and work with an aim to overcome it.
Maybe you Just Need a Break

Do you have perfectionist tendencies? Are you always working till late in the night? Have you turned down time offs and opportunities for vacations? Are you feeling some work burnout? Do you have less or no time for your social life? Well, these should not be a basis for quitting your job.
All you need is a break, and you’ll be good to go. In fact, most people who were determined to quit but went for a break first had a change of heart. So should you. You just need a quick fix. This may include some time away from the office environment. You may consider going for that vacation you've always wanted but never had the chance to go to. You may take some time off or go on leave as you contemplate your next move.
Taking some time off gives you the time and space to decide what your career path should be and most of the time, people put away all thoughts of quitting.
You are Probably Angry

Most people make decisions about quitting their jobs impulsively. The impulse that’s frequently acted upon is anger. Maybe your boss has been on your neck, or probably you had a hectic week at work. As always, our minds may just look for the next easy solution and that’s quitting. However, this may not be the best solution. In fact, your decision is purely emotional and based on impulse. You would be better off excusing yourself and probably go home and take things back into perspective.
Give yourself some ample time to calm down and relax so that you can brainstorm on a viable solution. If it’s about personal differences with your boss or colleagues, be proactive in finding a balance between your personal and professional life. If it is about some of the work processes that are becoming overly hectic hence making you angry, raise the issue with the concerned party in the company so that a viable solution can be sought.
With current trends showing that more people are quitting their jobs in recent times than before, this is not a decision to just make lightly. At times, quitting is not the best solution. Do an honest soul search against these four reasons and see why you should not quit your job just yet. Don’t quit unless you’re absolutely sure this is the best course of action for you!